Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Next Steps

Thanks to everyone who has been with us so far on this journey! The truth is this though - we still have the longest part of the journey yet to go.

Tomorrow, Max will undergo surgery in the General OR so that his dialysis line can be moved to a newer, safer location. It will be less likely to get infected, and because of that, we are being allowed to not stay here. Max will still be on dialysis on an every-other-day basis, and so we'll be doing a lot of back-and-forth with him.

For those of you around the world that have been praying for us, please know that us leaving the hospital is not the time to stop praying - in fact, it is the time for all of us to pray harder.

Specifically, please pray for the following...

1. Max has yet to produce any significant urine, which means that his kidneys are still not working.

2. Max is still swelling up from excess fluid not leaving the body, and we need that to stop.

3. As we look at leaving the hospital, we also look at taking all of his care into our own hands. While we're thankful for the opportunity, the stress level will likely rise. Pray for wisdom, confidence, and peace.

We appreciate all of your support, prayers, and help.

Thanks, everyone.



Unknown said...

Sam, Buddy, we're praying for the things you asked. If there is ANYTHING we can do to help please let us know.

Max, I know you probably hearing this a lot, but a lot of people are praying for you to get better. Stay strong little guy.

Shannon and Levi, We are praying for you too!

Derek and Anna

Anonymous said...

Max, keep on fighting man! There are a lot of prayers out here for you, and a lot of love from the QuadSquad.

Sam, I came here through the AGF, but I remember first reading your blog and finding out about you through Wade Hodges. Aside from what Max is going through, I hope you are doing well. We are praying for your family!